Stop our treasured wildlife being trashed

By Suzanne Orme Mar 31, 2024

How wildlife is valuable

The many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora on the planet are precious. Did you know that Australia is classified as megadiverse and many species exist no-where else on Earth?  Accordingly, our priceless ecosystems, species richness and abundance have non-financial value. Their complexity and immense worth can’t be captured in biodiversity trading schemes. We must demand our governments take tougher measures to conserve wildlife habitat.

Benefits of protecting wildlife

Acting to protect and enhance native animal habitat has valuable co-benefits.  Your local community relies on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet its needs. These include food, water, fuel, medicines, shelter, and clothing.  Forest protection provides your community with water conservation, soil protection and carbon sequestration. These enhance food security and fight dangerous climate change.

You’ll undoubtedly experience reduced levels of stress and anxiety when you immerse yourself in nature. Additionally, nature therapy is a recognised strategy to improve psychological health.  To realise all these benefits you can work with others to ensure that plant and animal species continue to exist for future generations.

Koalas in peril

Presently, the unique Australian native fauna species – the koala –  faces multiple human-made threats. You may know that forest logging and bushfires have led to this emblemic species becoming endangered in Eastern Australia. The combined populations of Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory were listed as endangered on 12 February 2022. Source: DCCEE.

Previously, the current NSW Government promised to create The Great Koala National Park So I’m shocked to learn that prime Koala habitat in Pine Creek State Forest is in peril. Parts of this area – inland from Coffs Harbour – is clear felled, logged and poisoned.  The culprit is Forestry NSW – a loss making enterprise –  propped up by public money. Significantly, the wood is not used to build houses or furniture in Australia. Our precious native eucalypt hardwood trees are exported as woodchips.

Government delay

I know you care about koalas and the need for the investment in conservation required for them to thrive.  Clearly this means ceasing logging of priceless koala habitat and appreciating its intrinsic worth.  Conversely, the NSW government plans to enable Forestry NSW to generate credits from keeping trees in the ground. There is no benefit if these credits are subsequently used to justify environmental damage elsewhere. Nor will this approach guarantee the protection of koalas.

Obviously we need to prevent land clearing, logging and deforestation of the homes of our precious wildlife.  Additionally, we must address the harm from alien, invasive species and step up the fight against climate change. The many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora on the planet are truly priceless.  Will you speak up for them?

Voice your concerns

Write a letter, call or visit your member of parliament and tell them how important it is to:

  •  Fulfil the NSW government’s election promise to create the Great Koala National Park without further delay. 
  • Cease all logging of native forests by Forestry NSW
  • Consult with affected forestry workers to bring about a just transition.  

Further reading

World Wildlife Day (WWD) on March 3 each year celebrates wild animals and plants and recognises the unique roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet.

The UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 focuses on halting biodiversity loss.

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